About M.A.S.H.


Our aim is to build friendships and encourage Mums to

  • seek help
  • find emotional and spiritual support.
  • grow in  confidence and strength
  • talk about how self-harm affects them
  • befriend one another
  • pray for one another
  • bring hope to other struggling families in their own communities.

Together Mums can make a difference ..

Friends and support groups can make all the difference so why not join MASH ?

This blog should be about you, so please feel free to join the discussions or add your story.

We believe in complete confidentiality and so we suggest you do not use real names but it is of course up to you.

Linked to MASH are other  websites and blogs which we hope you will find useful.

Ways to join.

  • Click ‘follow this blog by email’ at the bottom left of this page. You will be asked for your email address but rest assured your email identity will not show up on this blog. It is simply used to update you of any new posts.
  • Click the Follow button found at the bottom left of this page.
  • Comment on any of the posts ( you’ll find them listed on the Right Hand side of the page in date order or by topic). Your first comment will not appear straight away as it gets checked for security reasons. Once it has been posted any further comments you make will appear automatically. 

If you need help joining or want to ask a question in confidence, please email mash@redballoonfamily.co.uk



13 Responses to About M.A.S.H.

  1. Just found out my daughter has started self harming Feel so helpless I’ve informed school as I thought it was 2nd time Now not sure if I’ve do e the right thing. Oh being a mum us so do hard Praying as that’s all I can count on at mo


    • asha says:

      Please don’t worry PP! Whatever we do as Mums, we do from a genuine desire to help our children. It’s actually very brave to tell someone. Schools are duty bound to follow up on parents’ concerns but they don’t always make a huge fuss. Most likely someone will have a quiet word with her and ask her if she’s having any problems – they probably wont mention that you told them. They will assess whether further action is taken depending on how bad it was, and will keep an eye out for any causes. This can be very helpful, as it is almost impossible as Mums to see how our children are when they are around their peers – You are right to pray and we will pray too. Please feel free to post again with an update or inbox me at infomash4@gmail.com. Much Love,Asha .


      • Thank you so much for your reply Its lovely to have some support It’s so hard to see your child hurting and not being able to do anything The school seem to have been very good and asked her for a chat. I will keep you informed Thank you for your help and prayers


  2. mudpilewood says:

    I think Asha discovered me and I would like to say this is a great idea. I wish I had support like this when my daughter was going through a rough time, (she was bullied). My heart goes out to all mums who have children going through a time of crisis. I wish you all well and will say a prayer for everyone’s children.


  3. I am just catching up to your blog, and am wondering how I didn’t know about it before now. I’m also a mom of a self-harmer, and started a separate blog about it a few months ago. It’s been very private for me out of a deep desire to protect hr privacy, but there is a post that I think fits here, I hope it’s okay if post a link to it. https://wordpress.com/read/post/id/66783216/40/


    • asha says:

      yes thats ok about the link. I am always happy to promote other Mums stories as I think it helps everyone to understand. I know what you mean about privacy. My daughter knows that I chose to create MASH in order to help other Mums. She is through what had to be the worse period of her life ( and mine ) now and is ok with me sharing stuff. I have always tried to protect her privacy by using a fake name on my blog and encouraging other mums to do so. I read the link you posted and think its wonderful that you offer unconditional love to your daughter – something I am always trying to promote. Please visit again and share with us. God Bless x

      Liked by 1 person

    • asha says:

      Hi there, I reblogged your link so that it goes to the top of the page. Many Thanks, I think its beautiful xx


  4. Sarah says:

    Hi Asha,
    Thanks so much for taking the time to follow my blog! As someone who went through many years of self-harming, it’s great to see a support network for parents (or caregivers in general). It’s unfortunately common, but like many other problems, it brings on a lot of isolation not only for the person doing the self-harm, but for the parents and people that care for the person enacting in the behavior. Looking forward to following your posts –


    • asha says:

      Thanks. Yes you are right about the isolation. Whenever I bring up the subject I always get the same whispered response ( I do that/know someone who does that). It is a great shame that parents feel they have no-one to turn to. My own experience was that I sensed people understood my fears but where either afraid or didn’t know how to help. I have an invitation soon to speak at a youth leaders gathering and hope to help smash the secrecy – and the Myths that abound ! I am glad to hear that you found freedom, may your blog bring the same to others. Bless You. x


  5. well…its a pity am not a mum and i lost mine in 2010..but i don’t mind getting to know what my remaining mums are doing to improve our lives….i love you all


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